Friday, December 30, 2011

NYRs, Consistency and Patience

It's almost 2012, and, like clockwork, everyone is gearing up for their New Year's Resolutions.  Yes, New Year's Resolutions always creep up around this time of year like clockwork or that buddy who always "forgets their wallet" when you go out to lunch. 
Many people do the typical New Year's Resolutions: they toss out the potato chips, join a gym or start scratching items off of their Bucket List, and dive head first into the deep end, without water wings or even a wetsuit.
Well, it gets cold in the pool if you haven't warmed up to it, and you'll soon jump out of the water, convinced you'll never do that again.  It's the same thing with the resolutions (or NYR as I call them).  You go balls to the wall, never thinking about the consequences...or planning...or really, with any sense at all.  That's why about 3 out of 4 people don't keep with their NYRs after a few weeks.  You've got to have a plan.
That's why I have my three big NYRs, complete with plans.  Read for them?  Here we go:
1.) Cook More Often.  I used to be very into cooking (used to be pretty good at it too), but during college that fell by the wayside, and I forgot a lot that I knew.  I started getting back into it several months ago, but my culinary skills still need some refreshing.  So here's my outline for cooking:
  • Cook dinner for myself at least once a week
  • Plan what I'm cooking for before I head out to the grocery store
  • Find recipes that I can manage within my time frame (about an hour; more or less depending on the week) First food item on the list: fruited chicken thighs, combining some of my favorite items to eat: chicken and fruit, yum!
  • Write out a grocery list!  This should go without saying. 
2.) Be More Organized.  This one I've always struggled with.  Having grown up in a messy household, and being ADHD on top of it, organization has never been a strong suit of mine.  While I've gotten gradually better over the years, I want to get even better.  Here's my stuff to do:
  • Clean for about 10 minutes a day, more when I get the chance.
  • Get something to keep all my daily to-do items handy (if you have an iPhone, iPod touch or an iPad, I recommend either the "Reminders" section that comes with the latest software update, or this little app called organize; the best part?  It's free!)
  • Keep on top of things; if I can find time to do something, do it NOW, not tomorrow.
3.) Stay Disciplined.  This means in all aspects: work, acting, training, etc.  I've been pretty good about it; now I want to get better.  Much better.  Dare to strive for greatness even. 
  • Practice consistency.  Get into a routine.  Don't upset the routine (or upset it as minimally as possible)
  • Have someone hold me accoutable who will actually hold me accountable!  Sorry best friends, but you won't do; I need someone tough, who will force me to hold myself to an almost unattainable standard.  Any takers?
  • Work before pleasure.  That should go without saying as well, but you'd be surprised how many people don't do that.  Especially me.
Take some time off to recharge.  Little vacations if you will.  If going to California has taught me anything about my life, it's that I need to do "working vacations:" little things a couple of times a year where I get to "work" (do some acting connections, work out), but also know how to have fun.  I'm a work-a-holic, so this last one might prove a bit of a challenge.
The key to this list is not nessecarily being perfect at it from the get go; it is being consistent and doing the best you can each day.  It is not perfection that makes us perfect; it's the journey towards improving ourselves that we become better people.  So do I have to do everything perfectly right from the word "go?"  Absolutely not.  But I have to improve myself a bit at at time, and keeping building upon that. 
So, each day, strive to be a little bit better.  Sit a bit taller.  Work out a little bit harder.  Read a bit of a book.  Do something each day, and keep at it.  If you're patient and consistent, great rewards await you.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Motivational Monday: Time Off to Refresh

Well ladies and gentlemen, I'm back in full swing, and boy do I feel pumped!  I took a few weeks off of blogging every day to relax and really enjoy my vacation, as well as gear up for the holiday season.  Sometimes you have to treat yourself with the respect that you deserve.  Make sure that you take care of yourself because if you don't look after yourself, then how are you able to help others?
Me?  I'm working, then working out hardcore; after a couple of weeks of "me" time, I am back and better than ever!
So let's get things moving this week with a quote that I love:

It was a high counsel that I once heard given to a young person, "Always do what you are afraid to do."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Workout Wednesday: Abs, Abs, Abs

While I'm not fully back yet with my daily workout posts (that's coming next week), I am starting to throw up some random posts.  It's good to change it up every once in a while, and those posts are coming as soon as I get a bit of time!
Here's my Workout Wednesday this week: an ab routine that will destory your abdominals, but make them rock hard, just in time for the holiday season.
Check out the video:
Abs of Steel Baby!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Motivational Monday on a Tuesday

So I've been gone for quite some time (away on vacation) but I'm back (sort of).  Apparently I got slammed with a lot of stuff to do when I got back; who knew?

Anyways, I wanted to show you guys this.  It's a great little video of a member at my gym who takes it upon himself to try and complete my challenge.  He's doing the last component, full burpees (burpees with a pushup) and he threw in a jump and an extra one just for good measure: 10% more as he said.  He was enthused to try to challenge and really went for it every day in the training phase.

Less than a minute before this video was taken he had just powered out 20 pushups, 30 squats and a 1minute plank hold one right after the other.

One more thing: this guy is in his early to mid-sixties.  I wanna be like him when I get to my there.


This man is an inspiration to me.