Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Workout Wednesday: The Pushup Redefined

Another Workout Wednesday is here.  Today is not so much about working out and being strong; it's about what you can do with that strength.

Case and point: The push up.  Think you've seen it all?  Think again.  This man is doing no-feet pushups. On his fingertips.  That's right.  His fingertips.  And what's more, he talks while he's holding the pushup!

Check it out.  Seriously, you don't want to miss this.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Motivational Monday: Mother Nature's Fury

Hey there gang.  Monday is here, and another motivational Monday is here as well.

For those of you on the east coast and in Canada, my heart goes out to you.  Just experienced Hurricane Irene (Tropical Storm Irene once it hit my neck of the woods, in Southern Vermont), and in the process we lost power, a few neighbors lost their homes, some animals were lost and a man was trapped inside his home and both were washed down the river.

My prayers and thoughts are with those without power, homes, or loved ones and their families.  May you all be well taken care of.

It was something to witness, the power of nature.  Vermont got pummeled (as I'm sure other places did as well), and everyone was quite taken aback by the sheer awesome power of the flooding.

Below is a photo of how much power there was in the water (keep in mind that this wasn't even the strongest the water flowed yesterday):

Here is a video of an historic bridge in Bartonsville, Vermont (originally recorded by a friend of a friend) that was taken away by the river.

Yet despite all this destruction, there was a lot of hope within everyone's eyes.  We were all shocked, to be sure, but people were walking around helping others where they could, offering advice where it was needed, and even car spaces without a second thought.  It was truly beautiful to witness that despite all that Mother Nature tore down, it re-kindled the feelings of hope, of unity, and of courage.

Yesterday, I took thanks and appreciated the fact that, despite not having power, everyone of my family and friends are safe and sound.  I was grateful for a roof over my head; for cool water to quench my thirst; for my home to be in one piece.  And I was thankful that we were willing and able to help those who were not so fortunate, no matter how small the help was.

So today, my Motivational Monday is not some fancy quote or some odd poem written by someone long since gone.  It is dedicated to you, the people who have taken this natural disaster and have decided to help those who need help, who are not willing to stay down, and are willing to re-build despite almost all hope being lost.

Today, my Motivational Monday is dedicated to the Human Spirit.  May this bright flame, that shines brighter than than any lightbulb or solar flare, shine forever.

Keep on shining everyone.  Shine as brightly as you can.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Workout Wednesday: Homemade 300 Workout

Anyone ever seen the movie 300?

If you haven't, you're probably heard of the actor's bodies in that film.  Holy crap were they ripped!  Not only that, but they could move too; girls wanted to have them, the guys wanted to look like them.

Check out Gerard Butler's Abs!

Since then, there have been tons of  300 inspired workouts.  This next one is no exception.  I found this very interesting because it uses only your bodyweight, and I'm a fan of bodyweight exercises.  Plus you can do them anywhere.

I'm going to be trying out this workout in the near future and I'll let you know what I think of it.

Check it out and let me know what you think

Until the next time!

Monday, August 22, 2011

Motivational Monday #1

All right guys, so another Monday is here, which means we have to go back to our same hum-drum life, right?  

That's where you're wrong my friends.

Treat every day like it's the best day of your life.  Go after your dreams.  Make plans.  Pursue what you most desire not just today, but every day, now and forever.

For me, Monday is Motivational Monday, where I read quotes and poems that help me get through today, this week, this month, year, and for the rest of my days.

Today I'm going to leave you with a quote by Henry David Thoreau, followed by a phrase that I came up with which was inspired by this quote.

Henry David Thoreau: Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.

My quote inspired by it: Chase your dreams because until you catch them, dreams are all they'll ever be.

Happy trails guys, and until the next time.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Workout Wednesday: Crazy Handstand Work

Starting a new tradition: something called Workout Wednesdays.  Because people tend to say that Wenesdaay is the "hump day," I'm going to provide people with a video, photo, or some kind of inspiration to keep on going. 

The first one is a youtube video of a guy doing some insane climbing and flipping work.  What most impresses me is about 0:55 seconds in. 

Here's the link!


Filming "Good Fast Cheap."

Hooray!  I have finally commenced filming on my web series!  It's called "Good Fast Cheap," and it will cover quick, easy and cheap ways to eat well and stay in shape; which means you don't have to spend 4 hours at a gym or go on one of those expensive crash diets. 

I actually owe it to a good friend of mine for giving me the idea.

I was visitng my friend Liz earlier this year while she was attending Boston University, getting her masters in Scenic Design; quite a feat if you ask me.  Because she was the ONLY person in her year that was majoring in this kind of work and she was one of only a handful of people working in the techincal theater department in general, she was in high demand.  Usually she would pull 18-22 hour days she told me.  Now this is a girl who has had an enormous impact on my life.  Through her example she helped re-teach and reinforce what it means to be a hard worker and to shoot for your dreams.  Even though she and I don't talk nearly as much as we'd like to, I consider her family.

One night, after seeing a performance with her, we were at her apartment catching up and sharing some almonds when the conversation turned to her not being able to take care of herself as well as she should because of her work load.  She started talking about how she needs to eat better because she doesn't have time.  Then I started to talk about the almonds we were eating, and how good they were for us.  They are a rich source in fiber, they have a huge dose of Vitamin E, they help lower your bad cholesterol levels, and so forth and so on.  After my fifth fact or so, Liz turned to me and said that I should design a nutrition and fitness program for actors and crew.  What a great idea!

After thinking about it for a couple of weeks, it became obvious that making a program and having people follow it are two very different things.  So I thought to myself "how can I make this more accessible to people?"  The first thing I did was expand the fitness and nutrition to program to anyone with a busy lifestyle such as college students or people working multiple jobs.  But something was missing. 

A few weeks later I was talking with another good friend of mine about this.  The guy, Andy, suggested that I put something up on youtube.  Then it hit me: make a web series!  I proposed the idea to Andy, and he offered to edit the footage if I did the talking.

A few months later and after careful planning, we filmed the first six episodes, outlining some superfoods, quick workouts to do at home, and a little knowledge about nutrition, all the while trying to keep things quick, easy, and film everything on the cheap.

I'm going to send out the footage within the next couple of days and see what my friend thinks.  The most important thing is to get those episodes out there, and then get feedback from you guys.  I'll post the link here when everything is said and done.

Until the next time!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Crooked Arrows: Bein' a PA

So, after a lengthy recovery (about a day and a half and 20 hours worth of sleep), I am officially recovered enough to write about my recent exeperience as a Producation Assistant (PA) on the set of "Crooked Arrows."

This past thursday, my good friend Casey McDougal contacted me and said that she was recruited by a friend of hers to be a Production Assistant on the set of a movie, and that she had permission to bring people on board.  Before I go on, I'd just like to say that she and I are both actors.  Usually, we're not paid to direct people or to enforce the rules.  As actors, we're paid to say our lines, and be pretty.  So to work on set grunting and sweating was something that interested me.  Needless to say, I was in.

Now first, let me explain what a "Production Assistant" is.  They show up before the cast, direct people (usually extras) where to go, make sure that other people don't walk into a shot, get people coffee...basically gopher work.  It ain't exactly the most glamorous job, but payment is payment.

First thing was first though: I had to wake up at 2:00 am to get down there for a 5:30 call.  Needless to say, I was running on little sleep.  I ended up meeting my friend Casey as well as our new work buddies and learned the truth of what we were getting into: 9 PAs to deal with potentially 2,000 people.  Holy sh*t. 

We dealt with checking in people (which wasn't too bad, conidering that Casey and I dealt with 200+ people), then we checked in more people (another 150 or so people) with help from two other women.  Then we just made sure that people didn't walk into the shot. 

Then I got to go to lunch.  This is where being crew as opposed to an actor really began to shine for me.  We were brought to the other side of the school where we were filming, and were given a feast.  There was a salad bar, scallops, Roast Beef cut fresh for you, chocolate cake.  And the extras just got a bag lunch.  During the walk over, my new friend/boss Cam filled me in a bit more on what it really meant to be a PA.  I told him that I was having fun with it, and I wanted to learn more. 

Me and my big mouth.

Right after lunch, Cam decided to put me as a "real PA," which meant I was down where the shooting was.  During this time, I got to make sure people didn't walk into the shot, got some of the investors and producers water and soda, talked with some of the actors (including the female lead of the picture), and met and got to know a lot of the crew.  I don't care what you say Cam, I still had fun, even though I got a massive sunburn on my neck!  I even got to teach someone about fitness a little bit by showing him my awesome "shift pushup" and "proper pushup position." 

After a long day (14ish hours to be exact), we all met in the parking lot, where Stu (my boss remember) told me that we recieved a compliment that were all very efficient and no one had to wait on us.  Then Cam congradulated us all by buying us a round.  Huzzah!  After a two hour drive home, I got back around 10 pm; an 18 hour work day.

All in all, I got a free hat and t-shirt, got to make many great contacts, made some new friends, and even finished it off with a free beer.  Overall, I'd say it was a pretty fun day.  I would be open to working as a PA again. 

Next in the works; working on a new short film and filming my first ever web series.  Should be a real treat. 

Friday, August 12, 2011

I'm on Blog Lovin'!

Check it out!

<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

For my theatre folks; something to get you through the day.

Happy Friday all!  Here is something that always brings me great joy.  First introduced in a theatre history class a couple of years ago by a young woman who wanted to illustrate the nature of a play called Waiting for Godot, a play about two people waiting for someone named Godot...I think...


Meet Jordan Mitchell-Love

Hello there everybody, and welcome to Jordan Mitchell-Love's official blog!

If you're like many people (and I'm sure you are), you're probably sitting there saying to yourself "why do I have orange fingerprints on my screen?  And who the heck is Jordan Mitchell-Love?"

While you're on your own for the first question (my guess is too much late-night netflix), I'll be more than happy to answer your second question.

Jordan Mitchell-Love (that's me): I am an actor, singer, dancer, occasional model and stuntman.  I'm also a personal trainer, Reiki Master, budding nutritionist, multi-athlete, martial artist, and student of anything that strikes my fancy.  I'm also a young entrepeneur, founding a website-based company called "Ultimate Human Experiment," which is due to launch in the very near future.  I'll write a post for that, but in the meantime, just wait and be amazed. 

This my official blog where you can find information on what I'm up to, current projects, fitness and nutrition tips, cool things that are going on in the world, as well as motivation, knowledge and cool quotes.

Upcoming projects:
I'm filming a web series of my own creation called "Good, Fast, Cheap," which draws upon all my years of wanting to stay very physically fit and eat well despite living on a budget and having limited time.  Filming begins next week!
I'm in a show called Hay Fever by Noel Coward.  It's a light comedy about a family that delights in causing mischief and confusion for the guests they bring home.  I play Simon Bliss, who is the son of said family, and he enjoys drawing and not "caring a damn" as well as putting on a lot of theatrics.  The show opens August 25th, and runs every Thursday through Saturday till the 17th of September.  For more, go to their website.

I shall leave y'all with a very inspiring video that says, if you can't do it, this guy can.  He lost a leg to cancer, but that doesn't prevent him from performing a back tuck.

That's all for now!

Until the next time!