Monday, October 31, 2011

Three In One Challenge Week 2, Day 1: Stats, Photo, and a Slightly Different Trial by Water

On this lovely Halloween evening, rather than giving some annoying children candy and stuff, I'm updating my workout blog.
Let's get started!  Same rules apply; if there are any difference I'll make them bold and italicize them.
Here we go:

Neck Measurement: 16”
Shoulders at their widest point: 47.5” +0.50 inches
Chest (measuring tape right across your nipples and under your arms): 40.25” +0.25 inches
Waist 3 inches above your bellybutton: 31.5
Waist at your belly button: 31.75” -0.25 inches
Waist 3 inches below your belly button: 34.75"
Hips at their widest point: 39”
Thigh 9 inches above the top of your kneecap: 23"
Thigh 6 inches above the top of your kneecap: 21.5"
Thigh 3 inches above the top of your kneecap: 18"
Calf at its widest point: 16"
Bicep (flexed) measure the widest point: 14.75"
Forearm at its widest point: 12.75"
Weight: 163.6 pounds -0.4 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 4.7% -2.3%
Beats Per Minute: 60
The thing I'm most surprised about: my body fat percentage.  When I want to lose body fat, I lose fat fast.  It's very bizarre about that.
That ain't photoshopped!
Any who, I did a slightly different version or the Trial by Water.  Still two seconds; still do each circuit four times through.  Here we go:
Circuit 1:
28" Box Jump: 8
Dead Lift @ 160 pounds: 8
Thrusters: 35
Pull Up: 8
Plyo Pushup: 8
Circuit 2:
Pull Up: 8
TRX Low Row: 8
Hang Clean @ 105 pounds: 8
Shoulder Press: 8
TRX Atomic Pushup: 8
Thoughts: The plyo pushup really made a difference in exhausting me, and gave me an extra little cardio.  Other than that, it was a pretty good time.
I did get to do some extra work, including a lovely little TRX circuit for my shoulders (building up their strength to do some really fun work), and some ab exercises.  Observe:
(Hanging Leg Raise x7, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x2
(Hanging Knee Raise x1, Clockwork Leg Raise x4, Hanging Leg Raise x1, Hanging Knee Raise x 5) x1
(Twisting Knee Raise x4, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x2
Also got to do some extra upper body work:
Shift Pushup: 4x20
Bicycle Crunches: 4x20/side
Shifting Pull Up: 4x4
I'm ending this rather short blog posting, I have to ask something: what do you guys think about this?  What do you guys want to see more of?
I'm asking this because I want to know who's reading this, and what you want to see.  I am writing this for me, but I also want you guys to get something out of it.
Let me know; write a comment.
That's all; gotta get ready for an audition tomorrow.  Wish me luck!

Motivational Monday: Holiday Spirit!

If you're living on the east coast, then you know we got battered by this very odd snow storm this weekend; the first of the winter season.  I only got around a foot of snow where I live, and I consider myself lucky; I have friends in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York, New Hampshire and New Jersey who currently don't have power.  Seriously guys, stay warm and stay safe. 
And don't let no power or anything keep you down.  I read about a woman in Connecticut who, just a couple hours after losing power, threw an impromptu party for the neighbors.  Elsewhere, people are planning trick or treating.  I'm just saying: everyone should enjoy Halloween and every holiday, no matter what.  It gets your spirits up, allows you to laugh and have fun with each other, and it reminds us all about community and how we all depend upon each other.
I got into the spirit: check out my rad outfit:
I look good!
I even did my hair:
Rocking the fohawk!; kinda...
But seriously guys, enjoy the holidays, and have fun with those you care about; it could be a lot of fun.
Here are some other costume ideas I found on the internet; some people go nuts for this kind of thing:
Even Spot is getting into it!

Don't mess with his woman 
How cute is that?

How awesome is that?
Happy Halloween!

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 7: Re-Cap!

Re-cap guys!  After a great yoga session today and some heavy shoveling (what with the foot of snow we got last night), I decided to do a video.  Here we go!
Look at me just lounging

Bring on week 2!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 6: Yoga

Another short but sweet one guys, since I've been preparing for the Nor'easter up here (seriously, it's October...that's just weird).
I did some yoga today to try and soothe my aching muscles.  Good times were had as I really went for it, finding the nitty-gritty in certain positions.
Tomorrow I will do a re-cap, just like in the 300 Challenge.  If I still have power.  For now, I'm gonna snuggle up and read a book.  Nighty-night all.
To all my friends who have experienced this crazy weather: be warm, be safe.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 5: I Re-Visit Trial By Water

Ok everyone, short but sweet today, as I've had a lot done today, including work and recording a comedy podcast (more on that when it's edited).  For now, let's discuss the workout.
You guys remember Trial by Water, right?  Well, in case you forgot, here's a refresher:

You have two circuits, and each circuit contains 5 exercises.  You perform each circuit all the way through, with no rest.  Then you take a minute to a minute and a half break, and do it again.  Perform each circuit 4 times through.  Then set up yourself for the next circuit, and repeat the process.
Let's do it:
Circuit 1:
24" Box Jump: 8
Dead Lift @ 155 pounds: 8
Thrusters @ 30 pound dumbbells: 8
Pull Up: 8
Shift Pushup: 8
Circuit 2:
Pull Up: 8
TRX Low Row: 8
Hang Clean: 8
Shoulder Press @ 25 pound dumbbells: 8
TRX Atomic Pushup: 8
Thoughts: the workout felt a lot easier.  No, really.  I was really starting to get into the swing of things.  The pull ups are probably the hardest thing, especially when it's the only move you have to do in both circuits.  I do have to admit though, your arms shake a lot during the atomic pushup when you've done a ton of crazy exercises.
Chia Thoughts: I tried something new today: I put a bunch in a bowl, mixed it with water, then let it sit overnight.  Added a squirt of lemon, and viola!  Not gonna lie, it still tasted a bit like runny eggs, but I felt so much more energized than I thought I would be.  I'm going to try and perfect the ratio that works best for me.  But the energy boost that I got from it (and am still getting from it) has been pretty constant throughout the day.
Tomorrow, I'm gonna squeeze in a workout before a (hopefully) long drive; let's hope we don't get a Nor'easter eh?

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 4: Fasting and Running

So, I finished my half fast.  What I call a half fast is really going for 18 hours without eating or drinking anything other than water.
I have to say, physically, after about 16 hours, there wasn't too much of a difference.
However, when I woke up, there was a huge feeling of lightness.  I woke up at 5 am feeling great; I was hungry, but in that sort of "I can deal with it" kind of hunger.  Despite all the lousy weather (tons of rain, about 40 degree), I was ready to go.  I thought I would do a quick reiki treatment before heading off to the gym.  Then I did the biggest mistake I've ever done.
I fell back asleep.
Apparently my body was telling me something: get up at 5 am.  Go to the gym.  It did not tell me "go back to sleep."  When I woke up, I was in agony: my hands felt shaky, I had knots in my stomach.  So I decided not to do a weight training session in the gym.  I decided to go for a run.  And don't worry, I bundled up ;-)
At first, I limited myself to 15 minutes.  But then I realized I forgot my watch.  Another oops.  So I went screw it and decided to ballpark it.  I started off at a fairly easy jog, and then the oddest thing happened: I got stronger.  I felt a lot lighter, like I had wings on my feet.  I began doing some surges in my run, and those felt pretty good, do I decided to try some wind sprints.  Again, it felt amazing.  I threw in something like 12 wind sprints and 15 surges into my run.  When I got back to my place, I check the time; apparently I had been running for an hour.  Oops again!
I grabbed some food, and when it touched my, I tell ya, nothing beats eating after 18 hours of not and a run in the cold and rain.  I had a fruit smoothie first, and I could taste everything: the apple, banana, the oh man, was it amazing!  
I think I'm going to adjust the fasting cycle and what to do.  More on that next week, when I try again.  

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 3: TRX Work, Chia Thoughts and I Begin My Half Fast

All righty then, so for today's workout, I decided to give myself a taste of this Mission Readiness Challenge.  So I did this workout:
TRX Hamstring Curl: 15
TRX Low Row: 15
TRX Lunge (Left and Right): 15
TRX Atomic Pushup and Pike: 15
Simple right?
Oh, did I mention that I did it 5 times?
Yeah...not so simple anymore now is it?
I have a video of the exercises and tips on how to do each one correctly.  But first, let's talk about my thoughts, shall we?
Hamstring Curl: This was the easiest out of the four, and it works your core, lower back, hamstrings, and butt.  It's great for balancing out a squat, and is perfect for toning up those butt and thighs.
Low Row: Works your entire back (trapezius, lats, some of the posterior chain); biceps; core; and even a bit of shoulders.  Not bad eh?  I love this exercise; it's so deceptively simple, yet can also be so painful.
Lunge: Works your quadriceps, core, balance, calves, butt, hip flexibility, hell, it's a great move all around!
Atomic Pushup with a Pike: Ooof.  Nice and painful.  Gives your chest, triceps and shoulders a good workout, while giving your core an extra burn.
What's that, you want to learn how to do these moves?  Well then, look no further than right here.
Check it out:
Work those straps!
Note: I've updated my challenge with the video; check it out here.
Since this is a Three in One challenge, I'm gonna talk about the other two things, one of them is something that I've done before, aka chia; the other is something that I haven't done before (in much depth anyway) and I hope to explore how this works and if it's beneficial at all: fasting.
Chia: I decided to add my chia seeds to my breakfast fruit smoothie, intent on no longer consuming my "frogs eggs."  Then I decided "what the hell," and had some more in water anyways.  I'm really starting to get used to them; they've got a slight greasiness to it, but they're really not that bad.  
Fasting: Here's where today gets interesting.  After my workout, I had my post workout/late lunch at around 2:15 pm; then decided to do my "half fast."  
The half fast will consist of me eating or drinking nothing but water for the next 18 hours (so until about 8:15 tomorrow morning).  Right before I eat, I'm going to engage in a very hard workout.  The idea is that, by the time hours 16-18 come around, my body is running off of my stored body fat, so I will burn off much more body fat in my workout than I would normally.  That's the theory anyway.
Initial thoughts: oye ve, 18 hours is gonna be a long time...
Hour 2: I want food!
Hour 4: I'm cranky!  Feed me now!
Hour 6: ...You know, this "lack of eating" thing is actually not that bad.  I'm getting things done!
Let's do a physical comparison.  Here's a shot of me at the beginning of the fast (hour 0):
In a towel no less; what a tease ;-)
And here I am at hour 7.5...
Check out those abs!
Will there be a significant physical difference?  I don't know; we'll find out in the weeks to come.  

Workout Wednesday: Dragon Flags!

What is a Dragon Flag you may ask?
Simply put, you lie down on a bench, brace your arms, and using your shoulders as the fulcrum, you bring your whole body up from prone (lying down) to perpendicular, not unlike a handstand.  It looks pretty impressive, and I'm gonna attempt it sometime in the next couple of weeks.  Just be sure you take care of your neck, and don't tense it.  Also watch your lower back; don't let it arch.
Here's the video.  Enjoy.
Screw Abs of Steel; try Abs of Diamond!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 2: Spartacus Workout 1.5

So, day 2, and I got a really good workout in.
The workout was a variation on one that allowed me to get into really good shape really fast.  Dubbed "The Spartacus Workout," it was created by Men's Health for the actors in the Starz series "Spartacus: Blood and Sand" as a way for the actors to not only look the part, but to also be in amazing shape.  Just check out a photo of the late Andy Whitfield, Manu Bennett, and Jai Courtney in their training outfits:
So, I gave one of these workouts a go.
The original Spartacus Workout is meant to be done with a pair of dumbbells.  That's it.  
The workout is 10 exercises, each one to be done for 60 seconds per exercise; 15 seconds rest in between each exercise.  After you've gone through each of the 10 exercises, rest 1 or 2 minutes, then go through it again.  You go through the exercise sequence 3 times.
I wanted to turn it up a notch.
Herein lies my creation.  Drum roll please!
..........Spartacus Workout........1.5!!!!!
Ok, so I can't do a Spartacus Workout 2, because that's already been taken.  But, I can make it more functional for my purposes, which is to complete this Mission Readiness Challenge.  So, I present to you the Spartacus Workout 1.5 AKA Functional Spartacus Workout.  
The basic format is the same: 10 exercises, each one done for 60 seconds with 15 seconds rest in between each exercise.  3 circuits.  What's different is the equipment and the exercises.  You have to add a TRX, and add another weight if you want.
I hadn't tried this before, so I decided to go a bit lighter in terms of weight.  I'll highlight the exercises that are added by me, and not part of the Spartacus WorkoutHere we go:
Jumping Squat
Sprinter's Lunge
Single-Arm Dumbbell Swing: 20 pounds
T-Pushup: 15 pounds
Split Jump
TRX Single-Leg Squat and Crossing Balance Lunge
Pushup with Row: 15 pounds
Dumbbell Lunge and Rotation: 15 pounds
Dumbbell Push Press: 15 pounds
A couple of highlights:
TRX Single-Leg Squat and Crossing Balance Lunge:
I'm going to post a tutorial video later this week, so stay tuned!
P.S. My pulse was 60 again.  Not too bad; let's see what tomorrow brings....

Monday, October 24, 2011

Three In One Challenge Day 1: Stats and a Photo; Workout; And I Chia for the First Time!

Today was my first day of my "Three In One Challenge."  To give you a brief idea of what I'm doing, here's what I plan to do over the next five weeks:
TRX Mission Challenge: Win the Grand Prize by performing 255-260 total reps of 5 exercises
Chia Seeds: Have Chia Seeds every day and chart how I feel
Fasting: Each week, perform either an 18 hour fast; a 24 hour fast; or both, and see how I feel about it
But first, let's give myself a baseline.
Resting Heart Rate: 60 BPM.  This is taken upon waking up in my bed with my stopwatch in hand; minimal movement needed; talk about easy!
Now for the body measurements:
Neck: 16"
Shoulders: 47"
Chest: 40"
Waist 3 inches above the belly button: 31.5"
Waist at the belly button: 32"
Waist 3 inches below the belly button: 34.75"
Hips at their wides point: 39"
Thigh 9 inches above the top of the kneecap: 23"
Thigh 6 inches above the top of the kneecap: 21.5"
Thigh 3 inches above the top of the kneecap: 18"
Calf at its widest point: 16"
Bicep (flexed) at its widest point: 14.75"
Forearm (flexed) at its widest point: 12.75"
Weight: 164 pounds
Body Fat Percentage: 6%
V Shape!
And here was my workout:
Trial by Water
This is a workout that I worked really hard on trying to perfect, which uses a series of compound movements to really work the body for muscle development; cardiovascular fitness; speed; technique; endurance and high intensity interval training.  Behold, my latest workout: Trial by Water.  This is the first time I've ever used it, so it may go through some modifications.
Here's how it works: you have two circuits, and each circuit contains 5 exercises.  You perform each circuit all the way through, with no rest.  Then you take a minute to a minute and a half break, and do it again.  Perform each circuit 4 times through.  Then set up yourself for the next circuit, and repeat the process.
Let's do it:
Circuit 1:
24" Box Jump: 8
Dead Lift @ 155 pounds: 8
Thrusters @ 30 pound dumbbells: 8
Pull Up: 8
Shift Pushup: 8
Circuit 2:
Pull Up: 8
TRX Low Row: 8
Hang Clean: 8
Shoulder Press @ 25 pound dumbbells: 8
TRX Atomic Pushup: 8

The flow of this workout was extremely difficult, and afterwards, my hands and forearms were pulsating with pain.  I'm going to hopefully record more stuff with the workouts tomorrow.
As for the Chia, I decided to record myself taking Chia for the first time.  
Frog Eggs!
After taking these, I felt this really warm sensation in my belly, like someone had started a fire within me.  I felt really energized after that, and for the next several hours. I didn't even feel hungry after a few hours, which I normally do.  I will comment on these sensations as I feel them.

Motivational Monday: Try Something New

For today's Motivational Monday, I decided to try something new, in honor of my new fitness challenge (click here for the challenge), I'm trying a new superfood, known as Chia Seeds.  They're not exactly the most appetizing things ever (they taste kind of like bland almonds), but they're supposedly insanely good for you.
Also, later this week, I'm going to be trying rabbit for the first time.
My point is: try new things.  Surprise yourself; maybe you should go skydiving; eat a new dish; try a new date for your special someone.  Whatever you do, make sure it's something new!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Three Challenges In One!

Ok guys, so I'm getting ready for the TRX Mission Readiness Challenge.
Here's the deal:

You have to perform 5 exercises.  Each exercise lasts one minute, with 30 seconds in between each one, for a grueling workout.  You have to perform as many reps of each exercise for the minute (or until failure).  After, you add up all of your repetitions, and that is your score.  And you're competing for prizes!
The top person in each branch of the military and civilians will win the following, from the TRX official blog:
  • Meet and greet with Brian Stann himself. A decorated Marine who completed two tours in Iraq, Stann has been training relentlessly in an effort to contest for the middleweight title, taking his functional training regimen to another level, utilizing the TRX FORCE Kit.
  • All-expenses paid trip to Camp Pendleton, California to compete in the TRX FORCE: Mission Readiness Challenge Championship against the top scorers in the other branches. This is your chance to represent (for active duty/veterans only).
  • Trip to TRX HQ in San Francisco train at our world-class training center with the creators of TRX Training (for civilians only). Get hands-on instruction from the masters. We guarantee your training will never be the same.
  • TRX FORCE Kit, the best-in-class, lightweight, all-body training system developed in the Navy SEALs to build mobility, strength, power and core stability ANYWHERE. Get the same training used pervasively throughout the military, by first responders and by MMA fighters.

The Grand Prize winner gets this:
  • Airfare and tickets for two to see a UFC fight. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you and a lucky friend to see two of the biggest names in ultimate fighting today step into the Octagon for a battle of brute strength and sheer will. Who will come out on top? You’ll be one of the first to know.
  • TRX FORCE: Mission Readiness Challenge Trophy. Who doesn’t love a trophy??
  • Bragging rights and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are the most functionally fit service member in the TRX Community, which at last count was well over 100,000 individuals. Respect.

My goal: to get the grand prize.
Now in order to do this, I think I have to get around 255-260 repetitions of the following exercises:
Hamstring Curl: 60ish
Low Row: 50ish
TRX Lunge (each leg): 50ish/leg
Pushup with a Pike: 45ish
This will require a lot of power and endurance for bodyweight, so I gotta kick things up a notch.
Here's the link for how to do the exercises (I'm going to post a video of me demonstrating the exercises later this week):
Feel the testosterone!
In order to do this, my workout schedule is going to consist of this:
5 days of "hard" workouts, with a combination of weights and TRX, with a bit of straight cardio thrown in.  Lots of high-intensity interval training, and very little rest.  This will push me beyond the brink, and will most likely make me cry more than once.
2 "easy" days consisting of yoga and cardio to up my aerobic capacity.  These will be more "active rest" days.  
No straight out rest days.
The workout schedule will be done for 5 weeks, with each workout being made by me personally.
On November 28th, after a couple of days of active rest, I will record my workout to be submitted to TRX, and hopefully the grand prize.
Each Monday, I will be submitting my measurements to track my physical progress.  I will also be getting my resting heart rate each morning, and seeing if there are any improvements, either up or down.  
But that's not all!
In addition, I'm going to be doing some nutritional challenges as well.
Check out the video for more, and wish me luck!
Nice Faces!
UPDATE: Here is a tutorial on the exercises that I'm doing for the challenges!
Work them straps!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

TRX Challenge Day #4: So Much To Do

Ok, so I've had a lot of stuff come up that's work-related.  So I think I'm gonna wait on beginning the TRX Mission Readiness Challenge until Monday; that way I can do other tests as well.
Until then, I'm going to maintain my fitness levels and put them up here.  Today I did more running, but with 10 10 second sprints.  It was a good time.
More tomorrow; off to a sudden audition now!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

TRX Challenge Day #3: Yoga for Prep Work

So I decided to listen to my body today, and instead engaged in a rigorous yoga routine.  The simple reason being that, while I need to be very strong, I also need to have a very high strength to bodyweight ratio.  This is also to prep my body for the long weeks of development I'm going to put it through.
Let's hope it works.

Workout Wednesday: Pogo Stick Tricks

Ever want to do a backflip?  Ever want to do a backflip with a pogo stick?  This guy did.  Watch and be amazed at this guy who works out so hard, he needs a pogo stick to help realize his potential.  My personal favorite is the trick about 48 seconds in.
Watch the bouncing boy!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

TRX Challenge Day #2: Easy Run

So today, I felt like crap.  I don't know what it was, but I felt awful.  Maybe it's me trying to get over the flu or something.  Either way, I spent most of the day curled up under blankets, canceled everything, and tried to sweat it out.  Then I went for an easy run; I figured if I couldn't lift weights I could try and sweat it out of my system.
Bottom line: I feel better, but not 100%; more like 70%, which is better than how I felt when I woke up this morning.  It just goes to show you how powerful exercise can be; even a little exercise.
Weight lifting tomorrow; let's go for it.

Monday, October 17, 2011

TRX Challenge #1: Trial by Water

This is a workout that I worked really hard on trying to perfect, which uses a series of compound movements to really work the body for muscle development; cardiovascular fitness; speed; technique; endurance and high intensity interval training.  Behold, my latest workout: Trial by Water.  This is the first time I've ever used it, so it may go through some modifications.
Here's how it works: you have two circuits, and each circuit contains 5 exercises.  You perform each circuit all the way through, with no rest.  Then you take a minute to a minute and a half break, and do it again.  Perform each circuit 4 times through.  Then set up yourself for the next circuit, and repeat the process.
Let's do it:
Circuit 1:
24" Box Jump: 8
Dead Lift @ 155 pounds: 8
Thrusters @ 30 pound dumbbells: 8
Pull Up: 8
Shift Pushup: 8
Circuit 2:
Pull Up: 8
TRX Low Row: 8
Hang Clean: 8
Shoulder Press @ 25 pound dumbbells: 8
TRX Suspended Pushup: 8
Then to finish it off:
3 sets of 20 seconds hard/40 seconds easy rowing
Pretty awesome, right?  Since I've done most of these exercises before, I'm going to talk a bit about the flow of the workout.  It hurt.  A lot.  I have never done something that crazy.  That being said, I want to really redefine it a bit more.
Day 2 will be coming in the morning.

New Workout Challenge: TRX Mission Readiness Challenge

Ok, so I told y'all I would be doing a new fitness challenge.  So without any further to do, I present: TRX Mission Readiness Challenge.
First off, let's talk about the TRX, a wonderful piece of equipment that I discovered about 15 months ago (for more information on why and how I was sold on the TRX, click here).  For the short version: it's a machine that allows you to use your bodyweight and gravity to give you a total body workout pretty much anywhere: in a hotel, outside, or at the gym, and it's used by all branches of the military; first responders; pro athletes; re-habilitative exercises and regular folks like us.
So to celebrate me having my TRX and using it consistently for a year, I'm going to do the Mission Readiness Challenge.  Here's the deal:
You have to perform 5 exercises.  Each exercise lasts one minute, with 30 seconds in between each one, for a grueling workout.  You have to perform as many reps of each exercise for the minute (or until failure).  After, you add up all of your repetitions, and that is your score.  And you're competing for prizes!
The top person in each branch of the military and civilians will win the following, from the TRX official blog:

  • Meet and greet with Brian Stann himself. A decorated Marine who completed two tours in Iraq, Stann has been training relentlessly in an effort to contest for the middleweight title, taking his functional training regimen to another level, utilizing the TRX FORCE Kit.
  • All-expenses paid trip to Camp Pendleton, California to compete in the TRX FORCE: Mission Readiness Challenge Championship against the top scorers in the other branches. This is your chance to represent (for active duty/veterans only).
  • Trip to TRX HQ in San Francisco train at our world-class training center with the creators of TRX Training (for civilians only). Get hands-on instruction from the masters. We guarantee your training will never be the same.
  • TRX FORCE Kit, the best-in-class, lightweight, all-body training system developed in the Navy SEALs to build mobility, strength, power and core stability ANYWHERE. Get the same training used pervasively throughout the military, by first responders and by MMA fighters.

The Grand Prize winner gets this:

  • Airfare and tickets for two to see a UFC fight. This is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for you and a lucky friend to see two of the biggest names in ultimate fighting today step into the Octagon for a battle of brute strength and sheer will. Who will come out on top? You’ll be one of the first to know.
  • TRX FORCE: Mission Readiness Challenge Trophy. Who doesn’t love a trophy??
  • Bragging rights and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you are the most functionally fit service member in the TRX Community, which at last count was well over 100,000 individuals. Respect.

My goal: to get the grand prize.
Now in order to do this, I think I have to get around 255-260 repetitions of the following exercises:
Hamstring Curl: 60ish
Low Row: 50ish
TRX Lunge (each leg): 50ish/leg
Pushup with a Pike: 45ish
This will require a lot of power and endurance for bodyweight, so I gotta kick things up a notch.
Here's the link for how to do the exercises (I'm going to post a video of me demonstrating the exercises later this week):
Feel the testosterone!
In order to do this, my workout schedule is going to consist of this:
4 or 5 days of "hard" workouts, with a combination of weights and TRX, with a bit of straight cardio thrown in.  Lots of high-intensity interval training, and very little rest.  This will push me beyond the brink, and will most likely make me cry more than once.
2 or 3 days of "easy" days, consisting of yoga and cardio to up my aerobic capacity.  These will be more "active rest" days.  
No straight out rest days.
The workout schedule will be done for 6 weeks, with each workout being made by me personally.
On November 28th, after a couple of days rest, I will record my workout to be submitted to TRX, and hopefully the grand prize.
I gotta work my ass off in a whole new way and will need all the support I can get.  But I know this will pay off; and because I've got a bit more of a grand stage, the stakes are higher.  But I will succeed!
Ready?  Set?  Let's go!

Motivational Monday: Take Chances

Sometimes, you just have to take a chance.
A few weeks ago, I auditioned for a comedy pilot.  I won't say the name, but I had to drive to Boston on a Sunday, and just go for it.  Let me tell you, I was nervous.  I wasn't sure what exactly to do.  Because I live 2 hours from Boston, my first thought was "wow, that's 2 hours down and 2 hours back; that's a 4 hour drive round-trip and it isn't even a sure thing."  But then that voice was drowned out by a much louder voice, saying "if you sit and wonder about chances, then you'll always be stuck wondering."  So, I decided to go for it.
The whole drive down, I was stressing out something fierce.  I have always had notorious nerves before auditions, and it's cost me some roles.  But this time, I decided, I just wouldn't care.  I would just relax and have fun.  I remember a bit of advice I received from an acting teacher in college: "when you audition, just have fun because for those brief moments, you are the character.  So enjoy it."
When I got there, I auditioned, and started to cut loose a bit; not as much as I wanted to, but I felt much more relaxed when I left, far different from how I normally feel, which ranges from "man I could've done better," to "f*ck."  Then I went to another audition for a company that does horror and thriller stuff, where I just didn't care.  I went balls to the wall crazy, was relaxed, and just generally put it all on the line; I was having fun.
I was offered a callback from the pilot and I'm going to be working with the horror/thriller company later this month.
The moral of this story: take chances, and have fun.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Easy Run Today...New Fitness Challenge Coming Out Tomorrow :)

I did a nice easy run after waking up at 1 pm today (to be fair, I got to be around 5:30).  This was following seeing Deadmau5 (pronounced "Deadmouse") at UMASS Amherst with friends.  Pretty amazing concert.  Having never even heard of Deadmau5 before going, he's made me a fan.
Anywho, I did an easy run today to figure out what I was going to do for my fitness challenge, and I've almost worked out the kinks.  Now all that's left to do is wait until tomorrow to announce it.
So tune in tomorrow, and I'll let you know what's in store ;-)
I'll give you a hint: go here.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Ah, Yoga...How Good You Are To Me

Did you know that yoga can help relieve depression and anxiety?  Or that you can sleep better?  Have better brain function?  Have better social skills?  Or that you can even learn to accept yourself?
When I first started practicing yoga, I didn't care about any of those things; I just wanted to be more flexible.  After all, that's why many of us do yoga in the first place, right?  
My yoga journey first began in May of 2009, where I had lost a lot of my flexibility for a multitude of reasons (schoolwork, not being competitive, girls, classes, work; there were so many).  So I decided that, by the time I went back to school in late August, I would be able to touch my toes again.  Seemed simple enough, right?
Actually, it was.
I was floored by how, after only a few weeks of doing yoga 2-3 times a week, plus little 5 minute bits of yoga here and there, I was able to touch them!  Hooray toes!
What I didn't count on was the psychological benefits of it.  I felt a lot calmer; more engaged with the world.  I thought I was only gonna use yoga for the physical benefits; now I use them for mind, body and spirit.  
The moral: try new things and give them a chance; they'll surprise you.  

Friday, October 14, 2011

17 Minutes = A Good Time for Me :-)

Ok, so today I decided to stop taking it easy on myself and did a nice quick bodyweight workout, just to get things rolling again.  This is the intermediate 300 Spartan Workout from a guy named Steve Maxwell.  For those of you that don't know him, he's a pretty cool guy; just check out his website.  I got his 300 Spartan Workout for a Christmas gift, not knowing what it was.  Boy was I surprised!  In this DVD, he gives you 10 bodyweight exercises (that's right, bodyweight; no weights needed!  Just a chin up bar and some place to do rows), and each exercise is done 30 times, totaling 300.  Sounds easy right?  Well, if that ain't enough, he gives you 3 different workouts built on the same formula: beginner, intermediate, and advanced.  Eventually you want to build your way up to the advanced, but as I still felt a bit tired from Tuesday (but not wanting to go too easy on myself), I decided to go with the intermediate workout.
Keep in mind that this workout is done as fast as possible with good form.  No breaks (if you can help it).
Ready?  Here we go:
30 Chin Ups
30 Shift Pushups
30 Deck Squat
30 Tuck Sit Up
30 Bodyweight Row
30 Judo Pushup with Dive Through
30 Archer Squat/leg
30 Bicycle Crunch
30 Sprinter's Lunge/leg
30 Squat Thrust with Pushup
Now because this was timed and I wanted to ease my body back into a brutal routine, I decided to only go about 75% maximum.
What was surprising?  The time; it took me 17 minutes.  When I did this same routine 3 months ago, I could barely finish at around 19 minutes.  So, it appears that the workouts that I've been doing have had some effect.  How much, I wonder.
Since it is Friday, I thought it fitting to do a bit of an ab routine as well.
(Leg Raise x7, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x2
(Leg Raise x1, Clockwork Leg Raise x4, Leg Raise x1, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x1
(Twisting Knee Raise x4, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x2
Also, I have a brand new fitness challenge coming at ya!
But it still needs a bit of development; I will post it in the next couple of days.
Until then, I leave y'all in suspense...

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Martial Arts and Princesses

For today, I decided to take it a bit easier and do some martial arts training.  You know, the whole punches and kicks sort of thing.  Also practiced shadowboxing.  I brushed up on some of my strikes and combos, and got to jump around a lot in my yard acting like a fool.  It was great fun.
The whole time I was imagining that I was a prince, fighting for his princess.  It may seem pretty lame, but when I was a kid, I was always the valiant knight, slaying dragons or evildoers or whatever my creative mind came up with.  It's because of this that I got into actin; I was always so creative that I just didn't know where to put it all.  It's fun to sometimes go back to those good old days, where you could do anything.  Be anything.  Why stop at childhood though?  Why not continue that sentiment through adulthood, and make a reality the things that only existed in your imagination?
Keep dreaming.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Recovery Is Oh So Sweet

So today, after doing my 300 Workout, I decided to take it easy on my body and do a bit of cross-training maintenance work.
Here's what I did:
3x30 Pushup
3x30/side Bicycle Crunches
3x7 Pull Ups
(Spartan Leg Raise x5, Hanging Knee Raise x5) x2
(Clockwork Leg Raise x6, Twisting Knee Raise) x1
Running: Easy pace; about 5 miles
For me, running has always come easy; I've usually felt this ease with virtually any distance.  This time, I decided to try something different with running.  Well, two thing actually:
Run with my Vibram Fivefingers.
Take it easy!
I am known to push myself past the point of what is considered safe.  So I focused on form, and enjoying nature and (God forbid) the music playing in my ears (hey, it's my gift to me for a job well done).
Yet I didn't find myself listening to the music much; instead, I focused on my form, and of the scene around me.  The area where I live is still suffering from Tropical Storm Irene that hit a couple of months ago.  I looked at all the trees; the river; the houses.  And I was reminded of how beautiful New England is.  It's like walking through a painting; every color is vibrant and full; every stroke of the brush done with just as much care as the next.  Nothing wasted; everything has a purpose, even if only to present beauty.
After the run, even though I ran nearly 5 miles and haven't done so in a few months, I felt rejuvenated.  To end things off, I'm going to relax and head to bed early with a good book.
Today's lesson from the workout; your workout doesn't have to be so draining; instead, it can energize you, invigorate you.  Don't waste that.

Workout Wednesday: 300 Workout: Can YOU Handle It?

Another Workout Wednesday!
Today, in celebration of me finishing my 30 Spartan Warrior Workout Challenge (go here to read the full entry), I decided to extend the challenge to YOU.  
Do you have what it takes to do the Spartan 300 Workout?
I believe everyone does; you just have to work yourself up to it.
Make sure that you're in very good physical shape before attempting this sort of a workout, and get the OK from your doctor that you're healthy and fit enough to do such a routine.  
With that being said, check out what I did yesterday.  As fast as possible for time, and with minimal breaks, do these exercises:
25 Pull Ups
50 Dead Lifts @ 135 pounds
50 Pushups
50 24" Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers @ 135 pounds
25 Kettlebell Dead Clean and Presses each arm with a 35 pound kettlebell (some people say 36 pound, but because I have never seen one of those, stick with the 35 pound kettlebell)
25 Pull Ups
If anyone wants to attempt this, I can help you from here, but you have to adhere to what your doctor says; they have authority over me.  I can give you a workout program but only if you're ready.
To get an idea of the exercises and how they flow, check out this link below from the Men's Health article on the 300 Workout.  And for the complete article from the magazine, click here for it.  You won't be disappointed if you do this, trust me; it'll feel really good when you're done.
Are YOU Spartan Tough?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 30: 300 Workout: New Best Time

Today I'm combining my Inspirational Tuesday along with my 30 Day Spartan Warrior Workout Challenge.  I'm doing this for a very specific reason.  Read more to find out.
Here was my workout:
As fast as possible for time:
25 Pull Ups
50 Deadlifts @135 pounds
50 Pushups
50 24" Box Jumps
50 Floor Wipers @ 135 pounds
50 Kettlebell Clean and Presses with 35 Pound Kettlebell (25 Each Arm)
25 Pull Ups
The whole goal of this workout challenge was to beat the time that actor Andrew Pleavin did the workout in, which was 18 minutes and 11 seconds.
The first time I tired this (click here for the complete entry), I completed it, with a moderately hard pace and trying to get the feel for the routine, in 24 minutes and 50 seconds.  Not a promising first run.  But I dug deep, and kept pushing myself, every day.  I went harder, took rest when needed, and relaxed into the movements.  When I did this workout, I met extreme fatigue, numb arms and legs, and The Wall tried to make me stop, said it was ok to let up.  But I pushed through.
Final time: 17 minutes, 25 seconds.  
I beat the time by 46 seconds. 
I'm so pumped.  You have no idea.
There is this feeling of happiness, and of pride.  Because I stuck with it.  I endured 30 days of some of the most grueling workouts that I've ever done.  And I did it with pride.
To sum up my thoughts on the workout, here's a video:
Relief and Pride!
But now comes the biggest question: what next?
Well to be honest, I don't know; I want to know what you guys think.
Regardless, I want people to know that you can do anything if you only belief in yourself, have a goal, and work hard.  
To end this blog post, and this workout challenge, I'm going to give you three sayings; one of which I found; two that I came up with myself:
"What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?" Unknown Author
"Have faith and never lose hope, and nothing is beyond your reach." Jordan Mitchell-Love
"Make your own miracles." Jordan Mitchell-Love
Until the next time.